Wednesday, May 21, 2008

THOR launch coming soon!

Only two days left til the big day. For the last few days we have pretty much been trying to do continuous run throughs, fix things and tie up loose ends. Unfortunately, there are still problems, and they're mainly with the puzzles. We're having a lot of problems with the collision between the puzzle blocks, the calculation of the placement of the blocks, and the detection of the completion of the puzzle to trigger a teleport point. There have also been problems with installing the sound into the game and controlling the level and projection of the sound nodes. Compromises had to be made.

We've had outside game testers come in yesterday who performed extensive tests of the game and picked up quite a few bits and pieces requiring adjustments. Fortunately, most of those were small issues that can be easily fixed. There will be more user testing performed today.

The invitations for the launch have all been sent out. We have also been in touch with the RMIT publicity people, who have shown great interest in the project and have even requested a copy to use at the university's Open Day.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Nearly There

Starting to get to the pointy end!

On Thursday afternoon we had some non-AIM'ers come into the studio to do some user testing of the game. The results were generally positive. Everyone was able to play the game, thought it looked pretty good and found some of the challenges ''challenging''.  The testing also help us to find some problems such as:
  • some of the terrain challenges were a big too ''challenging'' - the falling teeth came too suddenly for a first time player, the last climb up the mountain was almost impossible
  • the start of the game was poorly designed - user started with a black screen because they were facing the wrong way by default
  • the puzzle rooms were confusing, tho mainly because there are still no fully working puzzles
We also found a lot of technical problems with the game freezing and crashing. So far, one possible reason for these is that some of the models have very poor collision meshes that the engine cant handle. We will fix these meshes and hope thing will run more smoothly.

We will be running more tests in the next few days, and will be getting in more outside users on Tuesday and Wednesday. 

The sound guys have been in a couple of nights in the past week working in the studio, and they have started implementing audio into the game. So far level 2 has had sound put in.

The cinematic pieces are nearly finished. The trailer has been completed on our end, and is just waiting for some audio. This should be ready on Monday and will be available to view online.

The game launch is coming up on Thursday May 22. Invitations to the launch have started going out - via email and through Facebook. It will be held in the AIM studio, at 6:30pm.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Loosing our minds?

Every night a little graffiti fairy comes in and decorates our giant white board walls with some interesting artwork - usually reflecting the state we're in with this project (LOL?). Here are the latest

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

New images

Week 4 progress

Wow.... only about a week left!

There was a group meeting with the executives yesterday, where everyone got a chance to let off a bit of steam. We firmly established the fact that this project has been a big battle with technology. Our main problem has been, and continues to be, tackling the engine. Issues include:
  • Being the first year to use the Torque game engine
  • Large amount of coding and modifying the engine
  • The lack of technically skilled people in the group
  • The lack of resources and support material available for Torque
  • The instability of the engine - tendencies to crash, poor error handling
  • The lack of computers in the studio
  • The integration between other programs (Maya, Constructor) and the engine
We have been working consistently at solving the problems as they occur, but because of the limiting resources a lot of bottlenecking occur at the engine stage, which then passes back up the production line and halts the whole project.

That being said, we are making progress. At this stage our results are:
  • All the levels have been set up and we have been able to run around in certain parts of the space. However, there are problems with loading them all in the engine and unexpected blockages to pathways
  • The concept team moved on to help with the production team over a week ago, and now the production team is moving on to help the engine team. Everyone is working closely and cooperatively with each other
  • Adjustments to textures are being made
  • Lighting have been put in but need to be adjusted. There are problems with lighting the Maya objects
  • Objects that are problematic have either been removed or prioritised to be fixed according to the amount of work involved and their importance to the game
  • We are still implementing and fixing the puzzles - working out the mechanics, adjusting textures, putting them into the game
  • Need to install the teleports, puzzles and NPCs
  • We have problems with creating the character and the NPCs, as it involves a lot of coding
  • The terrain and the sky textures need to be modified
  • Most of the game sounds have been made and are in the process of being put into the engine by the sound team - the sound guys have been making some great sound effects and coming into the studio to work with us. They have been working closely with Chris and Ziig, and have been taught how to implement audio into the engine
  • The opening cinematic is finished, and the end cinematic and death sequence are in production
At the moment our number one priority is to load all the levels into the game, put in the puzzles, the teleports and the NPCs.

Also, we have been planning the launch night. We have created an identity for the game, designed the invitation for the launch and a web page for the game. There is a trailer for the game being produced at the moment.

This project has been a continuous problem solving exercise. There are still quite a bit to be done over the next week, but we'll get there!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Monday Morning

At last most of the Production Team's fantastic models have been installed into THOR. That means it's time for a runthrough.

At 9.30 we would like everyone to be in so we can install THOR on as many computers as possible. Then we can all run through the game and see how great the objects look in 3D. Some lucky people who were in late on Friday have already had a preview of levels 1 & 3.

The Sound Team were also in on Friday and played some very spooky sounds. By Tuesday the sound should be in THOR for us all to listen to.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Fixing the Models

We cannot stress enough about the importance of good file naming and file management. We've had dedicate a small team of people today to go through the Beta Testing folders and rename all the files to a uniform format because there were issues with the models and textures not linking up. Good news is that all the files have now been renamed and the links fixed. There are now people checking through the models to fix up any errors. We would have preferred to have avoided all these fiddly bits, but as they have happened all we can do is develop a system, make it a part of the process and keep on moving forward.

New images are available in the gallery of some of the models with textures.

Message from the Executive Producers


A requirement for this project is for you to put in 110 hours each. Everyone better lift their game because your not even close.

You are not meant to get the game done as quickly as possible - you are meant to produce more and more stuff and use up EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU 110 HOURS.

As a guide, the concept team has been working for 2 1/2 weeks and should have done approx 85-90 hours by now (adjust numbers for each team).


Wednesday, May 7, 2008


HORRAH! The lighting problem is solved! Thanks to the brilliant minds of the Engine team!

Waiting for the IT people to come around and install the Maya plugins, which they had assured us will be ''by the end of the day''. This will ease up our current blockage and speed thing along greatly.

Week 3 Update

Hi all

We're half way into week three and things might be getting a little tense. Lets all try to breath and be focused.

Here's a summary of the progress to date.

  • All tasks of the Concept team are now completed, team members have moved on to help with production.
  • All models are now complete, the only thing left now is to split up the puzzles.
  • Textures are almost add defined - models will all have rough textures by the end of today
  • The engine team has done a lot of research and solved a lot of problems, like importing files, sound, etc
  • Part of the engine team has started setting up the levels to be ready for upload of the assets
Problems we're currently facing are mainly relating to the engine side of things.
  • Need to solve the workings of the puzzles
  • Need to solve lighting
  • There is a bottle neck at the exporting of files from Maya to be placed in the engine as we can only perform this on one computer - need RMIT IT admin to install plugins on to the computers
  • Testing in the engine has been hindered by the lack of ready for import models
  • Refinement of models and textures are also held back as the production team is waiting for feedback after the testing
We are currently working at resolving these problems and have decided on two possible solutions. A decision will be made in the next 30 minutes:
  1. Hassle the IT admin further to get the plugin installed, and find a solution to the lighting problem. If this is not achieved within the next half hour, then move onto point 2
  2. Models for level 1 need to be remade in Constructor, which will be more work on production but can solve the lighting issue and ease the workload on the exporting of files from Maya
Stay tuned for the exciting outcome.

By the way, the image gallery has been updated with images of concept art and work in progress models.

There is an animation class tomorrow morning with David, can everyone please take this into consideration and put in more time this week to work on the project. I will be collecting everyone's intended working hours for Friday, Saturday and Sunday.


Filenames. Filenames. Filenames.

Now that most of the files have been produced it's time to review filename conventions.

All files should have a name with a description of the file, a version number and the initials of the person working on it.



If the file is a texture, please include what it is for in the description.


Incorrect file name: concrete_001.jpg

Correct file name: L3_buildingA_concreteTexture_001_KP.jpg

This makes it much easier to work out what goes with what, and which textures still need to be made.

keep up the good work

Monday, May 5, 2008

Week 3 Schedule

Welcome to Week 3!

You should have received a copy of the schedule for this week. There is about 20hrs of scheduled THOR work time for this week, which is actually below the quota. You are each expected to put in at least 5-8 additional hours. Please work out your extra hours and let me know today. If you're unable to do all the hours scheduled, please also make sure you reschedule your time with me and that I have a record of those changes. We will be recording your scheduled work times and checking them against your timesheet.

Attendance is important! We need everyone to be in the studio working everyday. If you are going to be absent you need to notify your team leader. From now on the producers will be ticking off attendance at the start of each day. Keep in mind that at the end of the project you will be marked by everyone else, so not being in the studio and working as a group will not be good for your mark.

Overall, everyone is being very productive. Some of you are exceptional! The producers are very aware of how everyone's coming along. Keep up the good work!

Tonight is Pizza Night! We will be working til about 8pm and enjoying pizza.

Finally, some important notes for the Production Team:

Make simple models!

Details can be added on using textures, keep models as simple as possible with minimum poly counts.

Use square shapes rather than circular shapes to keep poly counts down

Regularly check you poly count: Display → Poly Count

There should be no more than 300 polygons for large models.

• Delete faces – use extrude faces instead
• Use NURBS, only use polygons – use the Create Poly Tool

Be aware of where in the game the objects are placed, be aware of what the player can see – no need to be details for object that are in the background, in darkness or not close to the player’s view.

Ask Engine team for help if you’re not sure.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

week 3

hello all
firstly i'd like to give a big thankyou to everyone for all your hard work esp over the last week. we made a lot of progress but there is still a long way to go

below is a brief summary of the concept brief that was given last monday and fine-tuned since then -

overall concept of the game:
a dreamscape in ruins
includes elements that draw on the six dream archetypes (associated with anxiety) - falling, flying, being chased. being unprepared for an exam, teeth falling out, naked in front of group
- illusions in space, depth and images
- nothing is quite as it seems

the levels are now as follows
start : falling
level 1 : dark, geometric, spacial, depth illusions, underground tunnels
level 2 : organic elements, graveyard at dawn,
level 3 : buildings in ruins, nature taking over, mountain head
end : wake up to discover the dreamscape outside

note: each level changes as you progress through the landscape from chaos to order, dark to light, death to life, ruins to hope

shall post a more details for each level during the week

this week we'll start the first refinement process, this is going to be a lot of work as we assess what's been done so far, how it fits within the overall concept, and what needs to be added and adjusted, atmospherics will also be added this week so we'll get a much better sense of the overall feel of the game

look forward to seeing what we can all produce over the next week

Friday, May 2, 2008

End of Week 2

We're almost wrapping up the second week! Only 3 more to go! Ideally our goal would be to have everything done and dusted by the Monday of the final week, so lets try out best to work towards that! This has been a very productive week! You guys all work so hard and produce amazing work. Thank you!!

Monday morning 9:30 will be a group meeting. Team leaders (or appointed representatives) will each give a quick presentation on their teams progress. This is expected to happen every Monday.

Marco - our sound man, will once again be attending. I have also arranged another sound producer to help out, and he will also be coming on Monday. So Concept team, please make sure you have sound design clearly defined and in a document that can be passed on. Engine team will need to be on top of the engine's capacities of handling sound files and be able to give clear instructions.

Engine team, a reminder: run through of terrain is on Monday.

Team leaders: remember to complete and return you team's production schedules to Kathryn or I asap.

I will be in on Friday and Sunday, and possibly Saturday (life? what's that?). 

Dont forget to do your timesheets. Label and name everything carefully.

Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

More updates for Week 2

The THOR server is ready! The team leaders are in the process of creating the appropriate folders for each team, we will give you login instructions first thing tomorrow (Thurs) morning.

A few things to note:
  • Team leader meeting Thurs (30/4) 9:30am. Please arrive on time as David will be conducting a class in the morning so we need to be done before that.
  • Team leaders need to complete a production schedule for his/her team with milestones planned.
  • Please make sure you're following the file naming conventions when you save your files.
  • We now have another sound producer on board and hopefully more. They will be attending the group meeting on Monday - Concept and Engine leaders be prepared to brief them
  • Every Monday morning will be a group meeting at 9:30am. During which we want each team to do a little show and tell and update everyone on their progress - visuals are important.
  • If you're experiencing any problems or have any issues, please raise them early and seek solutions. Communication is the key! Approach your team leaders first, then the producers and/or director if it cant be solved at the team level.
  • Each morning's team meetings are important for everyone to raise any questions, plan the day's tasks and goals, and collate common issues.
  • Minute takers from each team are also responsible for documenting - write down all the questions and problems the team have, as well as the answers once they're provided. This should be the first point of reference for the future.

Once again, a big fat GOOD WORK!!

Week 2 update & schedule

Thanks everyone to all your hard work so far this week! Tuesday was a very productive day and we're so pleased with the amount of work that was completed in just one day. You guys are awesome! Please keep up this great momentum and good work.

The schedule for the rest of week two are as follows:

Wed 30/4
  • 9:30: Team Leaders Meeting
  • 10:00: Team Meetings
  • 10:30: Production & Engine teams session with Jeremy
  • Rest of day: Work on Project
  • The executives will be popping in today to check on progress. We will need to show
    • Block test
    • Maps and diagrams
    • Sketches
    • Any completed models and textures

Thursday 1/5
  • This is a full day of classes, so if possible please stay back after 5pm to do some work on the project

Friday 2/5
  • If possible, please come into the studio to continue work on the project.

Thanks again everyone to all the hard work!

ps. There is a chat box on the side of the blog, feel free to use that :)

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Naming Convention

Naming convention guideline available now online. Please refer.

Full Speed Ahead - Week 2

Hi guys

I come bearing slightly bad news - we are running too slow!

So this week is going to be a real push to get things on the ball. Kathryn and I will be putting up a breakdown of daily working hours and a list of tangible results we expect from each team.

We know that everyone have other work to do too, but please remember that the next 5 weeks is essentially group project time, which means you'll need to manage your other work around the project schedule.

This is the schedule for Tuesday 29th. The rest of the week's schedule will soon follow:
  • Morning: Script writing class
  • Lunch: 30min
  • Afternoon: The Room Project
  • Rest of the day: project work
Expected Results

  • Hand over flow chart and map to the other two teams
  • Half of Concept team - sketch up elements of the game with size, colour & texture information, to be passed on to the Production team
  • Other half of team - work on design document DUE NO LATER THAN THURSDAY
  • Start with texture of large generic elements such as sky, ground, etc
  • Model more detailed elements once sketches come through from Concept team. Create UV maps
  • Create textures based on UV maps
  • Half of Engine team - mock up of terrain for rough block testing. RUN THROUGH TEST WEDNESDAY
  • Other half of team - help Production team with modeling

The Executive Producers will be in on Wednesday expecting to see tangible results. We will need the block test ready, the document near completion (if not already completed), a significant amount of drawings and some models and textures.

Please make sure you keep a record of everything you discuss: meeting minutes, brain storming, rough sketching, scribbles on post-its & napkins, sudden brain waves at 3am. Don't rely on your brain to remember every thing, put it down on paper!

And one last thing. From now on at the start of each day will be a quick team leader briefing with the Producers, followed by a team meeting for each group in which you will plan the day's tasks, establish goals for the day, address problems, and just make sure everyone's on the same page. And remember - keep a record of EVERYTHING.

Hope I haven't made your brains explode. I know its a lot to take in, but we'll get there!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

The hope of ruins

You have fallen into blackness. It's a total void, except for a single light. You move towards it. The closer you get the less defined it becomes. The air thickens. The darkness gives way to pools of light. The fog reveals little at first. Strange shapes appear. You hear noises. They attack you, surround you, then fade away. You run but go nowhere. At first nothing makes sense. Nothing is as it seems. The fog lifts as you continue. Beams of light reveal a broken world. You realise you are in a labyrinth. A labyrinth of ruins. Be careful how you proceed. There are hidden dangers. And hidden clues. Strange faceless figures. Talking in riddles. Are they friend or foe? You feel trapped. You sense that there is an impending doom. Risks must be taken. But where do you go? And how do you get there?
Nothing is as it seems.
And time is running out.


Hi everyone!

Welcome to T.H.O.R project blog! Its going to be a very full on 4 and half weeks ahead.

Firstly, Please check the blog, the Google Calender and the white board in the studio regularly for updates and upcoming agendas.

Things to note:

  • The blog and the calendar will be accessible and updated by the director and the producers.
  • We have a Google account, which we will use for file storage. Files may be downloaded by everyone.
  • The Google account is also access to the calendar and email, so please take care when accessing the account. Files may ONLY be uploaded/deleted/changed by the director and producers, and likewise the email and calendar should only be access by these three people.
  • You are required to keep a timesheet of the hours you work. These must be submitted to your team leaders every Monday for the previous week. Team leaders will then submit to the producers. A template of the timesheet is available in the document section of the Google account.
  • Each team is required to hold regular meetings and take minutes, which will also be submitted to the producers on a weekly basis. Minutes template is also downloadable via Google.
Good luck and happy project making!!!