Sunday, May 18, 2008

Nearly There

Starting to get to the pointy end!

On Thursday afternoon we had some non-AIM'ers come into the studio to do some user testing of the game. The results were generally positive. Everyone was able to play the game, thought it looked pretty good and found some of the challenges ''challenging''.  The testing also help us to find some problems such as:
  • some of the terrain challenges were a big too ''challenging'' - the falling teeth came too suddenly for a first time player, the last climb up the mountain was almost impossible
  • the start of the game was poorly designed - user started with a black screen because they were facing the wrong way by default
  • the puzzle rooms were confusing, tho mainly because there are still no fully working puzzles
We also found a lot of technical problems with the game freezing and crashing. So far, one possible reason for these is that some of the models have very poor collision meshes that the engine cant handle. We will fix these meshes and hope thing will run more smoothly.

We will be running more tests in the next few days, and will be getting in more outside users on Tuesday and Wednesday. 

The sound guys have been in a couple of nights in the past week working in the studio, and they have started implementing audio into the game. So far level 2 has had sound put in.

The cinematic pieces are nearly finished. The trailer has been completed on our end, and is just waiting for some audio. This should be ready on Monday and will be available to view online.

The game launch is coming up on Thursday May 22. Invitations to the launch have started going out - via email and through Facebook. It will be held in the AIM studio, at 6:30pm.

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