Wednesday, May 21, 2008

THOR launch coming soon!

Only two days left til the big day. For the last few days we have pretty much been trying to do continuous run throughs, fix things and tie up loose ends. Unfortunately, there are still problems, and they're mainly with the puzzles. We're having a lot of problems with the collision between the puzzle blocks, the calculation of the placement of the blocks, and the detection of the completion of the puzzle to trigger a teleport point. There have also been problems with installing the sound into the game and controlling the level and projection of the sound nodes. Compromises had to be made.

We've had outside game testers come in yesterday who performed extensive tests of the game and picked up quite a few bits and pieces requiring adjustments. Fortunately, most of those were small issues that can be easily fixed. There will be more user testing performed today.

The invitations for the launch have all been sent out. We have also been in touch with the RMIT publicity people, who have shown great interest in the project and have even requested a copy to use at the university's Open Day.

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