I come bearing slightly bad news - we are running too slow!
So this week is going to be a real push to get things on the ball. Kathryn and I will be putting up a breakdown of daily working hours and a list of tangible results we expect from each team.
We know that everyone have other work to do too, but please remember that the next 5 weeks is essentially group project time, which means you'll need to manage your other work around the project schedule.
This is the schedule for Tuesday 29th. The rest of the week's schedule will soon follow:
- Morning: Script writing class
- Lunch: 30min
- Afternoon: The Room Project
- Rest of the day: project work
Expected Results
- Hand over flow chart and map to the other two teams
- Half of Concept team - sketch up elements of the game with size, colour & texture information, to be passed on to the Production team
- Other half of team - work on design document DUE NO LATER THAN THURSDAY
- Start with texture of large generic elements such as sky, ground, etc
- Model more detailed elements once sketches come through from Concept team. Create UV maps
- Create textures based on UV maps
- Half of Engine team - mock up of terrain for rough block testing. RUN THROUGH TEST WEDNESDAY
- Other half of team - help Production team with modeling
The Executive Producers will be in on Wednesday expecting to see tangible results. We will need the block test ready, the document near completion (if not already completed), a significant amount of drawings and some models and textures.
Please make sure you keep a record of everything you discuss: meeting minutes, brain storming, rough sketching, scribbles on post-its & napkins, sudden brain waves at 3am. Don't rely on your brain to remember every thing, put it down on paper!
And one last thing. From now on at the start of each day will be a quick team leader briefing with the Producers, followed by a team meeting for each group in which you will plan the day's tasks, establish goals for the day, address problems, and just make sure everyone's on the same page. And remember - keep a record of EVERYTHING.
Hope I haven't made your brains explode. I know its a lot to take in, but we'll get there!
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