Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Hi everyone!

Welcome to T.H.O.R project blog! Its going to be a very full on 4 and half weeks ahead.

Firstly, Please check the blog, the Google Calender and the white board in the studio regularly for updates and upcoming agendas.

Things to note:

  • The blog and the calendar will be accessible and updated by the director and the producers.
  • We have a Google account, which we will use for file storage. Files may be downloaded by everyone.
  • The Google account is also access to the calendar and email, so please take care when accessing the account. Files may ONLY be uploaded/deleted/changed by the director and producers, and likewise the email and calendar should only be access by these three people.
  • You are required to keep a timesheet of the hours you work. These must be submitted to your team leaders every Monday for the previous week. Team leaders will then submit to the producers. A template of the timesheet is available in the document section of the Google account.
  • Each team is required to hold regular meetings and take minutes, which will also be submitted to the producers on a weekly basis. Minutes template is also downloadable via Google.
Good luck and happy project making!!!

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